Couples Therapy

Couples Therapy & Marriage Counseling in Boulder & Longmont

Intimate relationships can be the most rewarding and also most painful endeavors we embark on. All couples encounter serious difficulties. We will work together to deepen your connection, learn how to communicate better, improve your sexual lives and quite simply, get to know your partner better. We will develop your attunement and regulation skills so that you can better manage your conflicts. This will help you to be more at ease in the difficult moments.

I am a Level 2 trained PACT couples therapist. PACT stands for a Psychobiological Approach to Couples Therapy. This approach uses neurobiology, attachment theory and nervous system regulation to move toward secure functioning. This approach was pioneered by Stan Tatkin who has written many books that I highly recommend couples read including “Wired for Love”, “We Do”, and “Baby Bomb”.

Intimate relationships are a multi-person system. This means that values such as mutuality, fairness and justice must be practiced on a daily basis and be at the core of everything that you do as a couple. Stan Tatkin likes to say that you should have your partner’s owners manual; you should be an expert on your partner. PACT couples therapy will assist you in practicing these values and integrating them into your lives.

Every couple is capable of secure functioning regardless of trauma, attachment style or personality disorders. In our sessions, you will learn more about your partner, their history, upbringing, attachment style, etc.

Topics often include:

  • Building communication skills, including nonviolent communication
  • Conflicts over money, time & parenting
  • Pre-marital counseling
  • Learning more about yours and your partner’s attachment styles
  • Exploring each other’s childhood traumas
  • Avoiding conflict
  • Polyamory, open relationships & swinging
  • Infidelity & affairs
  • Loss of connection & intimacy
  • Discrepancy in sexual desire

Coming into couples therapy is a very meaningful way to take care of yourself and take care of your partnership. Please schedule a free 30-minute consultation with me. We can discuss why you want to come into couples therapy, what your goals are, as well as see if we would be a good therapeutic fit. I look forward to hearing from you!

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