Psychedelic Integration

Psychedelic Integration & Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy| Boulder & Longmont

Psychedelic Psychotherapy:

Psychedelics are powerful tools in accessing non-ordinary states of consciousness. They can contact subconscious material bringing repressed and suppressed content into our conscious awareness. When used in an intentional, therapeutic setting, these medicines can be powerful healers. 

Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy:

I work with Ketamine, which is safe and legal for medicinal/therapeutic use. I combine the psychedelic effect of Ketamine with a wide variety of other therapeutic modalities ranging from somatic experiencing, internal family systems and other mindfulness-based approaches. 

Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy sessions are typically 2 hours. They are done in conjunction with ‘regular’ 1-hour psychotherapy sessions. These psychedelic sessions are a wonderful tool in increasing the effectiveness of psychotherapy. We will always work together for a while before we schedule a Ketamine session so that we can create a solid therapeutic alliance with trust and safety as a cornerstone. 

I work with a prescriber for Ketamine-assisted psychotherapy sessions. I do not and am not able to prescribe any medications. If you have any questions about Ketamine assisted psychotherapy, please don’t hesitate to reach out and see if it might be right for you. It has shown incredible promise in the treatment of depression and posttraumatic stress disorder. It is also a beautiful tool in deeper subconscious and spiritual exploration. 

Psychedelic Integration:

Psychedelics can bring a wide array of experiences from the most ecstatic to the most difficult and confusing. They can bring peak experiences, breakthroughs and insights, spiritual emergencies, and nondual states of consciousness. These experiences, however beautiful or challenging, can be hard to understand and integrate. I offer a safe, nonjudgmental space to work with these experiences and to help weave them into your everyday life and worldview.