
I like to distinguish between “little t trauma” and “big t Trauma.” This can also be understood as “acute trauma” or “developmental trauma.” Big T Trauma refers to an intense acute experience that was to big and overwhelming for your system to handle on its own so it shifted in a fight/flight/freeze response. This trauma could include the death of a loved one, military service, sexual assault, or childhood abuse. Little t trauma or developmental trauma usually accrues over time and are much less intense or acute. Nonetheless, they can be very disturbing to being able to live life fully. These kinds of trauma would include attachment styles and character developments that prevent you from being fully yourself and are usually rooted in fear. Some examples might include early childhood family dynamics, your experiences in romantic relationships or close friendships that were hurtful.

Whether you have big T trauma or little t trauma, we can explore and heal them in time. I primarily approach working with trauma through the Hakomi Method. I utilize a mindfulness-based approach to hold and process through trauma with loving presence.